
We Ordain Women Because We Baptize Girls
by Chuck Poole

A Sprig of Hope: A Communion Meditation
by Thomas R. McKibbens

How Baptists Read The New Testament
by William E. Hull

Church and State
a series by Dr. Joe Kutter
Pastor, First Baptist Church, Topeka, Kansas
Walking With God: Christ Alone Lord of the Conscience

Walking With God: Freedom

Walking With God Together

A Way of Walking With God

A Way of Walking With God: Reaching Out

Polishing the Baptist Family Name: a series by Craig A. Sherouse

Polishing the Baptist Family Name: “Bible Baptist”
Polishing the Baptist Family Name: “Free Baptist”
Polishing the Baptist Family Name: “independent Baptist”

Polishing the Baptist Family Name: “Citizen Baptist”
Polishing the Baptist Family Name: “Symbolic Baptist”

a series by Robert B. Setzer, Jr.
On Being a First Baptist: Christ First Baptists

On Being a First Baptist: Bible First Baptists

On Being a First Baptist: Freedom First Baptists

On Being a First Baptist: Church First Baptists

On Being a First Baptist: Servants First Baptists
On Being a First Baptist: Missions First Baptists

Why I am a Baptist
by Charles Deweese

Baptists’ Challenge: Head and Heart
by Dr. Dan Day

God’s Best But Most Abused Servant
by Dr. Dan Day

An Ecology Sermon
by Dr. Robert M. Knight
Pastor, First Christian Church, Charleston, SC

Church and State
by Dr. Robert M. Knight
Pastor, First Christian Church, Charleston, SC

What Makes America a Christian Nation?
by Dr. Robert M. Knight
Pastor, First Christian Church, Charleston, SC

The Baptist Impulse: Notes toward a Renewal of Baptist Identity
by Ken Sehested

Baptist Heritage and Identity
A Series of Sermons by Slayden Yarbrough
Former Executive Director
Baptist History & Heritage Society